Bringing the molecular shapes of Life to your hands…
Play, Learn, and Teach with Models!

Fresh for 2024:
The modular modeling kit that simulates DNA FLEXIBLY.
Find Assembly Instructions, Teacher Guides, Classroom Handouts, and Links to Tutorial Videos (all free) HERE.
PlayDNA! classroom kits (and compatible RNA parts) will be available from Carolina Science.
For smaller kits, bulk parts, pre-assembled DNAs, and alternative color morphs (glow-in-the dark DNA, eteRNA kits, and more)… shop HERE.
PlayDNA! enthusiasts say:
“...a change vibrated throughout the room as group after group began to correctly assemble the model. I heard many exclaim: ‘oh now I get it’...”
Shannon Cutts
Upper Valley Teacher Institute, New Hampshire
“...very nice! It conveys very well how the small-scale geometry generates the large-scale double-helical form.”
Professor Raghuveer Parthasarathy
Department of Physics, University of Oregon
“The design of the model allowed the [visually impaired] students to easily recognize the different types of bonding in the DNA molecule by the bonds’ varying strengths. The students also tactually identified the [parts] that comprise the DNA molecule by their unique shapes and locations. The construction of the molecule allowed the students to use it to carry out all the DNA processes illustrated in high school biology texts. ... The learning activities possible with this model are the most varied and beneficial of any DNA model I have ever used.”
Kate Fraser
Perkins School for the Blind
“It is very cool.”
Professor Andrew Marcus
Department of Chemistry, Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon